Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Years eve!

Every year my family gets together and has a party on New Years Eve. And we play games and watch movies until the stroke of 12. At the stroke of 12 we go outside and blow horns, let fireworks go off, and Yell HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is so fun have a wonderful new Years eve and a Happy New year.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Wii Contest

My dad's Sunday school class is here to play the wii. They are wierd but also funny I'll update again soon.

Sunday, December 28, 2008


~ Hey~
I went huntingwith my Uncle and cousins. We went somewhere up by Indian Peek or something like that. Anyway we got a rabbit and almost got a BADGER!!!!!!!!!
My Uncle Karl shot the badger 3 times but only one shot whent through him. when he shot the Badger ran back into his hole. We dug into the hole about 20 mins. then left for about 5mins. then came back and dug for another 20 mins.
We out hunting for about 2 hours or longer( it sure felt like just 1 hour). The snow up there is pretty deep! we always had to switch the truck into 4-wheel drive. On our way home we saw a police that was stuck in the snow. my Uncle used to work for the department but quit and so we stopped and helped him( by the way the police car was the same one as my uncle's).When I got home I was so happy cause I was finally home........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Day

My sister, Kelcie, is being a retarded brat. She wants to go home but we are having Christmas breakfast and my dad is helping so we can't. I hope everyone has a safe and very merry Christmas.

Monday, December 22, 2008


I am so excited for Christmas this year! Every year we go to each others house and open presents then last we go to my G-ma's and eat breakfast.
When it is Dinner we head into my G-ma's again and have Christmas Dinner!

Vegas Baby!!

I am going to Vegas tomorrow with my G-pa and cousins for a SUU game! It has been a long time since I have been to Vegas.


Hi everyone I am new with the blog stuff! I hope I have fun on here and make new friends.